Rock & The Immortals

1993 & 1994 Grateful Dead Chinese New Year Parades

The Immortals
The Gods of Wealth, Prosperity & Wisdom
are 15 foot high Puppets resembling three
of the seven Chinese Immortals.

Each Immortal required three Art Police,
one to puppet each arm and one to carry The Immortal.
The Immortals, bowing and waving, were accompanied by
seven large flags with Chinese symbols and
an 50 foot Chinese Dragon manned by two Krewes of Dead Heads.
They paraded through the sea of Dead Heads while Mickey Hart created
sound ambiance to accompany the processional.

Helvetica with The Immortals

Gordon & Rheingold with The Immortals


Rock is a 40 foot long skeleton of the Chinese Dragon
that flew from the back of the floor of the Oakland Coliseum
disappearing into a red cloud in the ceiling.

The processional of flags, Immortals and Chinese Dragon
commenced with the traditional Chinese Dragon exiting the
back of the Grateful Dead show into a large black curtain.
When the head of the traditional dragon went into the black curtain,
Rock, which was attached to a "wire", poked his head out and looked around.
Rock slowly rose above the crowd and floated up into the heavens
disappearing into the red cloud in the ceiling.

Rock with The Immortals on the stage of the Warfield Theater in San Francisco.
In the foreground is a shrine created by Dead Heads while undergoing
two weeks of dragon practice. In the background is a painting
of the dragon that adorned the Coliseum ceiling.

Rock flying above the crowd at the Oakland Coliseum

Zim in the Really? Room creating the head of Rock

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